ELECTRON project

This project aims to deliver a new-generation EPES platform


rEsilient and seLf-healed EleCTRical pOwer Nanogrid


This project aims to deliver a new-generation EPES platform that empowers the resilience of energy systems against cyber, privacy, and data attacks through four main pillars: risk assessment and certification, anomaly detection and prevention, failure mitigation and energy restoration, and addressing internal threats and gaps through AR-VR-based personnel training and certification. This project fosters cyber protection standardization and certification via three novel authorities: the cybersecurity lighthouse, the cybersecurity training and certification authority, and the energy trading centre.

The main objectives of this project are:

  • Delivering enterprise-level ELECTRON components to ensure increased resilience of EPES while assuring the continuity of critical business and energy community operations.
  • Providing a modern collaborative risk and certification framework involving different energy stakeholders in line with the Cybersecurity Act.
  • Offering a next-generation EPES cyber defence and protection framework by involving decentralized and federated learning.
  • Designing and implementing a nano grid-based prevention and mitigation scheme to protect the grid against cyberattacks and cascading effects.
  • Addressing cyber threats, gaps, and failures coming from within the EPES by establishing an efficient EPES cybersecurity training process based on advanced AR/VR methods.
  • Meeting EU cybersecurity policy and certification requirements for EPES by designing and inaugurating the ELECTRON Cybersecurity Lighthouse.
  • Validating and demonstrating integrated ELECTRON products and solutions through large-scale, focused, high-impact use cases.

The following text outlines ALTER's participation in the ELECTRON project:

Leads all activities related to the design and inauguration of the ELECTRON Cybersecurity Lighthouse. The action will initiate the creation of the ELECTRON Cybersecurity Lighthouse to provide cybersecurity certification programs for design processes, devices, applications, and systems. Additionally,  participates in the following work packages:

  • ELECTRON Architecture, Demonstration Scenarios, and Security & Privacy Requirements.
  • Dynamic EPES Security Certification.
  • AR/VR-aided Cybersecurity Training & Certification in EPES.


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