What is relentless curiosity? The goal of mankind is to develop and gather knowledge, with the aim to use tools or skills that will solve problems in an efficient and effective manner.
The Swiss engineer George de Mestral liked to walk through the countryside with his golden retriever. After every walk, the dog would get tiny hooks of Alpine thistle stuck in his hair.
Most of us wouldn’t waste time trying to find a solution for this problem and they just try to avoid the issue, but others will tackle the problem face on and come up with an idea to solve the problem. In some cases, using a tool can improve the speed at which we resolve a problem. In some cases, people don’t implement knowledge to solve a problem, they buy a solution. Regardless of using a tool or service.
Mestral worked tirelessly to develop a mechanical process that would perform, with textile fibers, the same mechanism created by the tiny hooks of thistle flowers when they bind to the hair of your pet or the fabric of your trousers.
The process was not as simple as it looked like. It was necessary to investigate options and develop a manufacturing process which will replicate such hook shapes, but de Mestral was determined to achieve it.
The result was the creation of a revolutionary reusable closure system.
De Mestral named his company Velcro Companies, a portmanteau of the French terms " vel ours" (velvet) and " cro chet" (hook).
Now, the VELCRO® brand hook-and-loop fastening systems is part of a large holding with a number of products around the world, providing solutions in a wide range of sectors, including: consumer products, footwear and clothing, fabrication, crafting, gardening, electronics, office organization, home organization, and even in aerospace (https://www.velcro.com/original-thinking/securing-success-for-nasa-astronauts/), VELCRO® was already used in the 1st NASA's mission to the Moon.
Remember “Observe the details, deepen your understanding to the maximum, and use the gathered knowledge being tenacious in purpose” who knows if we are in front of a “VELCRO” situation.
The storyteller.
P. S. Information extracted from https://www.velcro.com/original-thinking/our-story/