
My grandfather often told me the story of the Manchester peppered moths. I first retained the idea, just learning how the theory of evolution works. But he was so persistent, counting repeatedly. I finally realised that the storyline wasn’t only proof of the evolution theory; it also taught me values like flexibility and facing new challenges as they arise.

In Manchester, before the Industrial Revolution, moths nestled among the spotted lichens on birch tree trunks, branches, and twigs to camouflage themselves and thus avoid predators, such as birds. Most of them were white, but there were also a reduced number of darker moths. For this reason, it was more difficult to survive as the moth’s predators easily identified them.

However, widespread industrialisation and the increasing use of coal created thick, sooty air pollution, resulting in burned and blackened flora. This was bad news for white pepper moths. No longer camouflaged, they were easy to spot, and predators took the white insects, from bats to birds to reptiles. This accelerated the rapid elimination of the lighter-coloured moths. The more spotted moths survived longer, giving them a better chance to procreate, resulting in the proliferation of darker moths, which were more adept at blending in with their surroundings.

In summary, my grandfather insisted that those individuals who are more flexible and able to adapt are the ones who will survive in the future, adding a smile to the sentence.
Remember, “be flexible” in all aspects of your life.

The storyteller.

P. S. To support the message, it was fun to learn the JUDO origin legend, also known as “The Legend of the Old Oak and the Willow”. I attach it in case you still have a few more minutes.