Seville New Space Forum

Seville, 28-29 Oct: This event will congregate the European Industrial Space Sector in Seville on 28 & 29 October 2019, just a few weeks before the ESA Council of Minister (Space19+) in the same city.



  1.  Forum to connect business stakeholders, particularly from Ariane-cities but also from all over Europe, via technical visits to industries and B2B meetings.
  2. The Conference on Business Opportunities in Applications & the New Space.


  1. Space19+
    Responding to the challenges of the European space sector Presentations and round table with some relevant speakers.
  2. The European space industry facing the challenges
    How European industry is responding to the challenges of a sector that is central to the economy. 
  3. Spain in Space, present and future
    Luis Gómez, CEO of Alter Technology will participate in the round table of the New Space in Spain. 

Why to participate?

  • Get an overview of the programmes proposed at Space19+ to face the challenges
  • Get relevant examples of how European industries and operators face the challenges
  • Get an overview of Spain in space and a snapshot of its industrial actors
  • Publish and showcase your products, projects, services or business needs to event participants
  • Provide an overview of your present utilization of space data and services and the future prospects
  • Get in contact with most relevant stakeholders of the European Space Sector