To be launched next 15th July

MSG-4, the last satellite of the second generation of Meteosat meteorological satellites, will be launched the next 15th of July. The weather satellite will transmit data to the Earth every 15 minutes. It will circle the Earth at a height of 35,800 kilometres in a geostationary orbit. It was jointly developed by ESA and Eumetsat (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites). The Meteosat satellites provide key information and images for weather forecasting, hydrology, agriculture, environmental studies, risk prevention and disaster warnings. It is no longer possible to imagine weather forecasts without satellite pictures.

For 29 years, ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD (ATN) has been supporting all the series of Meteosat satellites, helping the customers in the selection, procurement, engineering and testing of electronic components for the satellites. It is ATN’s responsibility to ensure that all the components are tested and ready for their mission.

Currently, ATN is working on the third generation of satellites: MTG. This constellation consists of six satellites and will supply weather and climate data for Europe for the next thirty years, starting from 2017. Thanks to technological advances, MTG will offer even higher performance than the second-generation satellites (MSG), and will provide a basis for even more accurate weather forecasting.

Image: Copyright Eumetsat